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January 27, 2005
JANUARY 27, 2005

Attendees: Harry LaCortiglia, Tom Howland, John Bell, Paul Nelson, Carl Shreder, Laura Repplier


Representatives – Commission Members:  Chris Comiskey, Tim Vaters
Asking GCC to approve the management plan & authorize their Spring cleanup.

The management plan has been finalized defining what they want to do with the area.  There were concerns about providing level parking, resolving issues with abutting neighbor & defining the property line (Atlantic Engineering).  Abutters’ markers on the south-eastern side of the property are already in place.  Only need to survey 3 points on the north-western side to resolve the boundary issue.  The property plan includes a parking lot and trail.  The trail comes close to the edge of the north-western abutter’s property – could be an issue but the survey would resolve the question.  The goal is to provide opportunities for hiking, birdwatching.  

The ADA plan is part of the 2001 Open Space plan.  If they provide a parking area it needs to be handicapped accessible.  

Non-native vegetation is largely concentrated along the road and trail area.  Would be eradicated when the road and trail are worked on.  There is a large amount of native vegetation away from the road.

A canoe landing would only be accessible at Spring high water – for about 3 weeks – and is not part of the current plan.  The nearby Fish & Game boat landing can be used instead.

MOTION to authorize Laura to contract a surveyor to survey the three points of the western bound of the conservation area  - Harry / Paul /  4 Aye, 1 Abstain

GCC – This should be broken down into a management plan vs operational plan.

OLD J RD –  This hasn’t gone that far yet but will be looked at in future.  Will file an RDA at that time.  

MOTION to accept the management plan for Pentucket Acres Conservation Area  - Harry / Paul / 4 Aye, 1 Abstain

MOTION Old Jacobs Road Stewards are authorized to conduct the Spring cleanup & notify GCC so can check on how it is proceeding – Harry / Paul / 4 Aye, 1 Abstain


Representatives – Commissioners:  Bob Gorton, Bob Morehouse,
Appearing to resolve discussions about roadway maintenance & approval for the Workshop in the Woods camp contract.

Bob M – CD road is a dirt road plagued with potholes, erosion, frost heaves, ruts, and mud.  It needs constant maintenance.  CD need approval to maintain it.  TBase (ground from top of resurfaced roads) is the best material to use.  It stays in place well.  Fabric is also laid under the Tbase for especially muddy spots.  CD want approval for Tbase application.  

The main problem area is the first 225’ of the road which hasn’t had any Tbase in a while.  Vehicles entering & turning at that point creates potholes.  Would like to asphalt that part of the road.

GCC – How will this be funded?
CD – Friends of CD are fund raising.  Well supported & could probably do it.

GCC – GCC funds might also be available – we will see if the budget can accommodate some funding for this.

CD – Discussed making an application to the Community Preservation Fund but missed the deadline for this year.   Would like to consider it for the future.

CD – Most of this area is outside 100’ of wetland.  The entrance & close to brook is the only wetland area – use clean broken stone in those areas.  But plowing needs to be careful.    They are not widening or otherwise changing anything, just maintaining what is already there.

MOTION to issue a negative determination with conditions, with a condition of the delineation of the wetland prior to any activities taking place.  - Harry / John /  Unam

CD – A revised management plan is coming to GCC for suggestions.  It will be sent to Open Space Committee as well.

MOTION to close RDA  -  John / Tom / Unam

Workshop in the Woods takes place in July – run by Stacy Fickes with workshops for kids.  She needs to advertise the program but needs approval of her contract before she can go forward.  GCC will get back to them with signatures to continue her contract within 2 weeks.



Reps:  Owners Diane & Paul Boghosian;  Bill Manuel from Wetland Management.

This plan will be re-submitted with the following changes:

Add 5 more monuments 25’ apart; Change haybales to Marafi fencing; Diversify plantings; Replace arbor vitae hedge with natural plantings by end of OOC; Handle runoff from roof with French drain at drip line.

MOTION to continue to February 10 at 8:00  - Harry / Tom / Unam


Reps~:  Owners Nicole Guillemette, Jim Biagioni~; Martin Halloran, Engineer; Eddie Moran, Builder

Owners want to turn house footprint to face the road rather than neighbor’s home.  Hired a botanist to conduct replication following the OOC.  The lot has already been excavated.

The ravine (i.e. local wetlands) is full of rubbish – fender, washing machine, etc.  Pearson is doing the clean-up work.  There is currently a truck abandoned in the wetland which will be disposed of immediately.  The original proposal was to fill some of the `local’ wetland near the house. The extent of this filling needs to be elaborated on a new plan.

The plan still conforms to the OOC of 2002.  They are offering to extend the no-cut boundary to 50’ except for a 20’ line near the house.  

New plans will be submitted showing:

Added bounds along 50’ no-cut line; Move the replication area to connect to the ravine (local wetlands) area; Details of filling areas.

This is a minor modification to the original plan.

MOTION to continue to Feb 10 at 9:00 - Harry / Tom / Unam


No representatives.  Notify them of next meeting.  If they opt not to show up the result will be a denial of their NOI.

MOTION to continue to Feb 10 at 8:15 – Harry / Paul / Unam


Rep -  Brian Knowles, Apple Engineering
Need GCC approval for test pitting before BOH will give go-ahead.

Submitted NOI.  Lot 24k sf.  All  pits requested are  now outside 100’ buffer zone of the BVW.   

Though there are other issues with the lot, as far as GCC concerned the test area is outside wetland boundaries.

ACTION: Gerri to send letter to BOH – enable Apple Engineering to carry out test pits work outside 100’ boundary  (make reference to letter from Jack Moultrie, Oct 29, 2004).

MOTION to continue to April 21 at 8:00  - Harry / John / Unam


Request extension to EO to the end of February 2005 as couldn’t take water samples until today.  Analysis hasn’t been completed yet.
We will ask Gale, SRT and ENPRO to appear at the Feb 10 meeting.

MOTION to sign extension to EO for 47 West St – John / Paul / 4 Aye, HL Nay

More work needed on the minutes of Jan 13th.  Commissioners will review and send edits to Laura.

MOTION to accept minutes of Jan 20, 2005 – John / Harry / Unam (Laura also circulate to Planning, BOH, Selectmen)

MOTION to pay invoices for MACC Conference and Maclellan Oil (Camp Denison)  - Harry / John / Unam

MOTION to adjourn  - Harry / Paul / Unam